Back from Montreal

Terry and I took her two adult children to Montreal for a Christmas with the family. The visit was to last only about a week, with Terry staying a bit with her family, and I bringing Mark and Katherine home on Dec 31. But, that was not to be.

Terry's mother was not well. We had Christmas dinner "out", to spare her some anxiety with the elaborate preparations for an 18-person meal, and there were a couple of less-elaborate "at home dinners".

Then, Terry's mom took ill, and had to be hospitalized. Within a day or so, she had fallen into a coma, and she passed away late on December 31.

Rather than head back home, Terry, Mark, Katherine and I stayed an extra week. We mourned the loss of a good and kind woman, mother and wife, and prepared for her funeral.

In the mean time, Terry's sister's partner lost his mother. So, the family now mourns the loss of two integral members.

To Vince, Lina, Joe, Terry and Frankie, and to Serge: words cannot express the pain I feel at the loss of your mother. I truly am sorry.