
Cottage season approaches

About a week ago, the ice finally left the lake, or so I am told. The weather is fine, and the time is right. It's time to open the cottage.

I've got a lot planned for this year at the cottage. This year, I hope to

More Spring Renovations

Another spring, another sprint to get the deck ready for the season.

This time, I've completed the renovations to the privacy fence, and have no more big plans for the deck. It's as complete as it's going to be.

Cruisers Dance

Dance quickly, softly
With sure foot and rolling hip
To the rhythm of the sea.
Deck rising to meet the foot,
Then falling, drawing forward.
Turn, face your partner
She beckons ever onward
In luxurious dance.

On the road again

After 11 years and 260,000 Km, I've finally decided to get a new car.

We bought the Saturn L200 in January, 2004, after a rear-end collision totalled our almost-paid-for Saturn SL1. But, while we used the L200, I never really liked driving it. I had intended to get a new car after I had retired, but the market crash of 2008 put those plans on hold. Over the last couple of years, the Saturn has had a number of moderately expensive problems, the market has recovered, and I've driven the car almost into the ground. It's time for a new car.

Not My Circus, Not My Monkey

Recently, Terry's sister Francesca told me of a phrase that helps her "let go" of other people's drama.

"Not my Circus, Not my Monkey" (originally, a Polish expression) disavows ownership of someone else's problem.

I liked the phrase so much that I decided to make up a tee-shirt with it. After some false starts, I came up with the following:

End of the 2014 Cottage season

The end of the 2014 cottaging season quickly approaches, about a month earlier this year than other years. The weather this year has been cold and wet, and I while I've spent a lot of time working on the cottage, I haven't really done much.

Canada, Eh

Opening the Cottage, 2014

This past Victoria Day weekend, I finally opened the cottage. With the severe winter we've just been through I have been anxious to get up to the lake since March, and this was the weekend (of all weekends) to go up.

The cottage (now christened "Fugawee", in honour of my mother's favourite (and only) joke) withstood the winter with the grace of the mature beauty that it is.

Spring is finally here

We have had a long, cold, icy, nasty winter, and I have waited long enough for the return of pleasant weather. Spring arrived late this year, and that has interfered with both my plans, and the very fabric of suburban nature that I live in.

Another Day in Paradise

Terry and I just got back from another week-long cruise. This time, we cruised the southern Caribbean, departing from San Juan, Puerto Rico on the Royal Caribbean "Adventure of the Seas". Seven days of sunshine, blue skies, warm breezes, high temperatures and all the pampering that you can only get on a cruise ship.


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