Submitted by Lew Pitcher on March 5, 2025 - 20:41
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on January 24, 2025 - 11:03

We do not back down from bullies.
Put up or shut up.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on October 5, 2022 - 12:23
Over the past couple of years, I've neglected to note my progress at the cottage. Mostly, this has been because COVID-19, and other factors, have occupied my time, and I haven't had much to say. Last weekend, I closed the cottage for the 2022 season. I did not get up to the cottage as much as I had wanted, this past season; other opportunities and obligations took up a lot of my time. But, I did get some things done, some things started, and some things attempted this year.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on July 23, 2022 - 13:54
My soaping journey began with a formulation of Savon de Castile, but I quickly learned that Castille soap was just the beginning. Soaps have many qualities having to do with how well they clean, how well they foam, how well they condition, and how well they keep, and, depending on the oils you use, these dimensions can vary considerably. So, I set out to make a soap that cleaned and conditioned better, had better foam, and kept better than my Savon de Castile.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on August 15, 2021 - 11:10
Ok, so we are socially distancing, wearing masks, and washing (always washing) our hands to keep COVID-19 at bay. Last Christmas was... odd, and with all these COVID precautions, we didn't get to Montreal to visit with Terry's family. But, I sent soap (of course I did). The easiest soap to make, the one I began with, was "Savon de Castile", the same Castile soap I started with last summer.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on May 12, 2021 - 14:03
I grew up in surburban Toronto, in a home that my parents built. I have old black-and-white photos of the construction; my carpenter father framing out what he intended to be his "forever" home, and my mother taking the role of assistant and apprentice. We left that home late in the '70s, after mom and dad divorced, and I understood that the new owner removed the building and transported it Barrie-way to be used as a cottage. I've often thought of that house, and the effort, hardships and sacrifices that my parents made to construct it.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on December 1, 2020 - 22:05
"Give Me That Old Time Contagion"
sung to the tune "Give Me That Old Time Religion"
Give me that old time contagion
Give me that old time contagion
Give me that old time contagion
It is good enough for me
It was good for the Sturgis Rally
It was good for the Sturgis Rally
It was good for the Sturgis Rally
And it's good enough for me
It was good for senior care homes
It was good for senior care homes
It was good for senior care homes
And it's good enough for me
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on July 25, 2020 - 19:29
While up at the cottage with Terry, Katherine and Rob, I fell into another "craft/hobby": making homemade soap.
Katherine had commented that Castile Soap would have less of an environmental impact than the soap I use at the cottage. Of course, this intrigued me. I had heard of Castile soap, but did not know much about it. So I did some research.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on July 4, 2020 - 19:16
This week, with the extensive and energetic partnership of Rob Adamson and Katherine Robbins, I we installed the long anticipated solar panels and made the final connections to the cottage solar power system.
As of 5pm on July 3, 2020, Fugawee has functional LED lighting in all the rooms, powered by a 12V battery which is recharged daily from electricity generated by two solar panels. Now, I can reduce my generator usage, and mothball the kerosene lamps.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on June 17, 2020 - 16:53
COVID-19 has played havoc with schedules and intentions this spring, but it cannot stop me from taking time at my log cabin in the forest. I intend to, this year, complete the installation of my solar-electric system, and then take a much-needed break at the cottage.