My little piece of the Internet

I'm so glad you could make it; I've been expecting you.

Come in, have a seat, stay a spell

Fragment of a mystery novel

Melody In Black

Chapter 1

I sit alone in the shadows. A table reserved for one, where the light is subdued and the music insistent, obscuring my business without meddling with it. A waitress, young and sleek, slides by every so often, looking over but never approaching unless I beckon. I sit with my back to the wall, my glass off to one side, not far from my right hand, but not so close as to deliberately invite a sip of the 30 year old Speyside single malt Scotch that patiently waits within it.

Planning extended-family vacations

I've had a bit of experience in planning a vacation for an extended family, and let me tell you, it takes a lot of co-ordination and discussion.

So, when the subject came up about planning a vacation for Terry's extended family (son & daughter, father, brothers & sisters & their spouses, nieces & nephews, significant others), I stepped away from the task. Mostly.

Congratulations, Christian and Amanda Pitcher

My cousin Christian Pitcher got married last night


And, A Cardinal

I saw a Blue Jay

Seeing what you want to see

Recently, I had a conversation with someone I know well. It seems that he intends to run for public office; he thinks that he can do a better job of "running" his town than the incumbent mayor. I applaud his aspirations - we need people with ambition in government, people who question the existing order of things.

Merry Christmas, Everyone

Christmas Letter - 2012

Another year has passed, and I again find myself writing a summary of my life so far. This year has had both it's good and it's bad events, and I gladly bid it adieu.

Joan Pitcher - 1933-2012

My mother, Joan Pitcher, passed away quietly last night (Dec 19, 2012) at 11PM EST.

Measuring time

It's funny how we measure time. For short intervals, we use a clock, for longer intervals, we use a calendar. But, for life events, we use other things.

When we are very young, we measure in "sleeps"; how many times do we have to go to bed between events.

As we get older, we measure in "birthdays". Each passing year is recorded as an achievement, and our age becomes a badge of honour.


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