Submitted by Lew Pitcher on April 19, 2019 - 12:13
At my home, a quarter century ago, I built a deck and installed a hot tub. The deck has well withstood the test of time, but the hot tub not so much. It's been showing it's age, with leaks and broken parts, and when the pump died last summer, I decided to shut it off permanently.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on March 17, 2019 - 15:28
So this is the year. I've cleaned out fifty years of cruft around my cabin at the lake, started some much needed repairs, remodeled the kitchen, and repaneled the bedrooms. This year, I add (drum roll, please) electricity.
OK, so it's not as dramatic as all that. After all, I've had a generator at the cottage for about a decade. But, what is dramatic is that, for most purposes, I'm about to replace that noisy, costly, polluting generator with silent, inexpensive, eco-friendly solar power.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on April 13, 2018 - 15:42
Spring has started "springing", and I anxiously await my return to my log cabin on Kimball Lake. This year, I have a couple of largish projects in mind, and I can't wait to get started.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on September 16, 2017 - 16:14
I have had an "odd" season at the cottage, this year. I opened the cabin late (after the May long weekend), and only managed to get up to the lake sporadically during the summer. Fall has now arrived, and I find myself planning for the cottage closing, sometime in October. I don't know that we really had a summer this year, and I certainly missed the cottage.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on April 28, 2015 - 22:55
Another spring, another sprint to get the deck ready for the season.
This time, I've completed the renovations to the privacy fence, and have no more big plans for the deck. It's as complete as it's going to be.

Submitted by Lew Pitcher on May 18, 2014 - 19:38
This past Victoria Day weekend, I finally opened the cottage. With the severe winter we've just been through I have been anxious to get up to the lake since March, and this was the weekend (of all weekends) to go up.
The cottage (now christened "Fugawee", in honour of my mother's favourite (and only) joke) withstood the winter with the grace of the mature beauty that it is.
Submitted by Lew Pitcher on May 12, 2014 - 10:04
We have had a long, cold, icy, nasty winter, and I have waited long enough for the return of pleasant weather. Spring arrived late this year, and that has interfered with both my plans, and the very fabric of suburban nature that I live in.