Lew Pitcher's blog

Doing something useful

Recently, I become interested in a new project: The Village Telco. The Village Telco project intends to bring low-cost telephony to the second and third world through the use of Open Source software and hardware. The project has already passed one of it's milestones by creating a cheap, wireless VoIP appliance (the Mesh Potato) from open software and open hardware.

Nathan Charles Pitcher in hospital

I've just been informed that my father, Nathan Charles Pitcher, has been admitted to the ICU at Dartmouth General Hospital with breathing problems.

He is currently sedated, and has been intubated on a respirator. The doctors are trying to determine what has put him into respiratory difficulty, and intend to slowly "wean" him off of the respirator.

More news as I get it.

Retired, at last

Well, I did it. I retired from TD Bank after 31 years, 1 month and five days of continuous employment.

Now, I can spend my time as I like; travelling, reading, working on my hobbies, going back to school.

Wish me luck.

Travelling again

OK, so I haven't said much in the past few months, but I've been travelling again.

First off, in November, my partner and I took a week and went to an all-inclusive in Cuba.

Next, I went to visit my cousin in BC over Christmas.

Finally, my partner invited me on a Jazz cruise in January.

More on all that later

An Evolutionary Step

Ok, so it isn't as radical as all that. Today (October 15, 2007) I formally announced my intended retirement date. In four months, on February 15, 2008, I will have retired from TD Bank after 31 years of service.

Wish me luck

Changes at Pitcher Digital Freehold

I'm making some changes around here - the first of which is that I'm going public

Learning to Fly

Over the weekend, I finally got my first true flying lesson.

I've been taking "ground school" for almost a month now, but every "hands on" lesson I book gets cancelled due to weather. Well, I finally lucked out, and the weather was good for this weekend.

Both the instructor and I did the pre-flight walkaround, and the preflight checklist. I taxied (poorly), and he handled the take off. This lesson was "Attitudes and Movements": learning how to make the machine go in the right direction once you get into the air. I practiced 10 and 20 degree climbs, 5 and 10 degree descents, and 10, 20 and 30 degree turns. We climbed to 1300 feet, then up to 4000 feet, circled around the practice area several times, and finally (a half hour later) descended to 1200 feet for the landing.

Six months later, life goes on

It's been six months and two days since Marya passed away. Life has changed a lot for me, some of it good and some bad. I find that each passing day has it's challenges and I'm often overcome by the sheer magnitude of my loss. I'm not certain of whom I can turn to for support and help.

You see, I don't want to burden my friends with my problems; they've got enough problems of their own, and I don't feel comfortable adding to their load. Besides, with some of them, I'm not sure of how much leeway I have. Perhaps they are tired of my woes, and just wish I would "get on with it". I don't know. I do know that some of my friends have begun to avoid me. I wish I could bring them back, but all I do is chase them further away. For what it's worth, I haven't heard anything from my relatives, and I have to make all the phone calls.

Three months on

It's been just over three months since Marya passed away. While the fabric of my life is starting to knit together, there are still huge gaping holes that won't go away soon. I shared my life with Marya (as did she with me) for 25 years (half of my life), and three months isnt nearly enough time to fill in the void that her passing left.

Youth Singers of Calgary

My friend Kathy's daughter is in the "Junior High" division of the Youth Singers of Calgary. Recently, they were in Toronto for a competition, and I managed to attend one of their performances.


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